2024 July

Nel segno dell'acqua

Galleria Hermetika Trieste, Italy

Participate in the exhibition

2024 June


Galleria Hermetika Trieste, Italy

Participate in the exhibition

2024 May

Urbino in Aquerello Festival IX edition 2024

Urbino, Italy

Selected and exposed to the exhibition

2024 April


Spazio Immagine Trieste, Italy

Participate in the exhibition

2024 February


Galleria Hermetika Trieste, Italy

Participate in the exhibition

2023 August

Castra 2023 5th International Watercolour Festival

Lokarjeva galerija - Aijdussina, Slovenia

Selected for the exhibition

2023 May

Urbino in Aquerello Festival VIII edition

Urbino, Italy

Selected and exposed to the exhibition

2023 May


ARTtime Gallery - Udine, Italy

Participate in the exhibition

2023 April

Collettiva di Primavera

Galleria Hermetika Trieste, Italy

Participate in the exhibition

2023 March

Japan Nadeshiko Watercolor Triennale

Kobe, Japan

Finalist, exposes at the Contes

2023 February

Aspettando la primavera

Galleria Rettori Tribbio in Trieste, Italy

Participates in the collective exhibition of painting, sculpture and graphics

2022 November

4ª Biennal de Arte Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain

Participate in the exhibition

2022 October

Acquerellisti a nord-est

Codroipo (UD), Italy

Selected, exhibits at the 4th Exhibition of Watercolor of the Doge

2022 September

25° Concorso nazionale di pittura Città Monselice

Monselice (PD), Italy

Take part in the contest and receive the "Mention of Merit"

2022 August

56° Giovan Battista Cromer

Agna (PD), Italy

Exposes and receives the report for her artwork at the National Competition of painting, watercolor and graphics Agna Arte 2022

2022 August

Festival Internazionale dell’Acquerello “Mini Castra”

Aijdussina, Slovenia

Exhibits two artworks and receives a "Mention of merit"

2022 July


Hermetika Gallery in Trieste, Italy 

Participates in the collective exhibition for charity

2022 June

2° International Watercolor Society - Spain

Madrid, Spain

Selected, exposes to the event

2022 May

4° Festival internazionale dell’acquerello “Monza in acquerello”

Monza (MI), Italy

Selected to participate, exhibits with 3 works

2022 May

Pordenone Arte 2022

Galleria Felice Arte di Valvasone (PN), Italy

Exhibition at the Pordenone Exhibition Market

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Results 1 - 20 of 44

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