Leonor Fini hall, Magazzino 26 Porto Vecchio in Trieste, Italy
She is selected to participate in the exhibition
Galleria Hermetika Trieste, Italy
Participate in the exhibition
Urbino, Italy
Selected and exposed to the exhibition
Spazio Immagine Trieste, Italy
Lokarjeva galerija - Aijdussina, Slovenia
Selected for the exhibition
ARTtime Gallery - Udine, Italy
Kobe, Japan
Finalist, exposes at the Contes
Galleria Rettori Tribbio in Trieste, Italy
Participates in the collective exhibition of painting, sculpture and graphics
Barcelona, Spain
Codroipo (UD), Italy
Selected, exhibits at the 4th Exhibition of Watercolor of the Doge
Monselice (PD), Italy
Take part in the contest and receive the "Mention of Merit"
Agna (PD), Italy
Exposes and receives the report for her artwork at the National Competition of painting, watercolor and graphics Agna Arte 2022
Aijdussina, Slovenia
Exhibits two artworks and receives a "Mention of merit"
Hermetika Gallery in Trieste, Italy
Participates in the collective exhibition for charity
Madrid, Spain
Selected, exposes to the event
Monza (MI), Italy
Selected to participate, exhibits with 3 works
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